Lunes, Hulyo 25, 2011


1. Discuss the components required for successful communications.

2. Identify various sending and receiving devices.

3. Describe uses of computer communications.

4. List advantages of using a network.

5. Differentiate among client/server, peer-to-peer, and P2P networks.

6. Describe the various network communications standards.

7. Explain the purpose of communications software.

8. Describe various types of lines for communications over the telephone network.

9. Describe commonly used communications devices.

10. Discuss different ways to set up a home network.

11. Identify various physical and wireless transmission media.


1. Components for successful communications:
       Communication is a process wherein two or more computers or devices transfer data, instructions and information throught the use of  Sending device which initiates an instruction to transmit data, instructions or information, a Communication device which converts or formats the data, instructions or information from the sending device into signals carried by a Communication channel or path on which the signals travel. Also required are a communications device that receives signals from the Communications channel that connects the communication channel to the receiving device and converts or formats them so the Receiving device can understand the signals and that accepts transmission of data, instructions or information  

2. Sending Devices and Receiving Devices:

3.) Uses of Computer Communications:

     1. Voicemail - is voice message converted to digital form it allows callers to leave a voice message for the called party    

     2. Collaboration - is working with other users connected to a server

     3. Groupware - is software that allows people work together and share information

     4. Global positioning system,(GPS) a navigation system that consists of one or more earth-based
receivers that accept and analyze signals sent by satellites in order to determine receiver’s geographic location 

     5. Fax - is a document transmitted and received over telephone lines it contain handwritten or typed text, illustrations, photographs, or other graphics and can send or receive a fax using a stand-alone fax machine or a computer fax modem

     6. Email - is the exchange of text messages and computer files transmitted via a communications network
     7. Instant Messaging (IM) - is a real-time Internet communications service that notifies you when one or more people are online and then allows you to exchange messages or files with them or join a private chat room.
     8. Chat rooms - permits users to converse in real time with each other via the computer while connected to the Internet wherein you can experience a live conversation.

     9. Newsgroup - is an area on the Web where users conduct written discussions about a particular subject.
     10. Internet telephony - enables you to talk to other people over the Internet of one or more called parties
     11. Videoconferencing - it involves using video and computer technology to conduct a meeting between participants at two or more geographically separate locations with microphones, speakers, video cameras, and communications devices and software
     12. Other Conferencing systems -
          1.) Web conference - is conferencing system that uses the Internet, Web browsers, and Web servers to deliver this service
          2.) Video telephone call - used by home users to see each other as they talk on the Internet
4.) Advantages in using a network 
  • share software
  • share information with others on networks
  • share peripherals
  • speed of sharing software and information files
  • cheaper than buying individual software and hardware for each standalone especially if for a school, network software often offers deals for amount being purchased
  • security, files can be copy inhibit mode
  • centralized software management- software being loaded onto one computer but also this loads software to entire network at one time
  • electronic mail(e-mail) between network users, ideal for office memos
  • flexible access- access you files from any computer on the network unlike standalone which would mean only being able to access your data from the one computer you uploaded data onto

5.) Client/ Server - One or more computers act as a host computer and other computers access the host computer.
     Peer-to-Peer - is a simple network that connects fewer than 10 computers each computers has equal                                    capabilities.
     P2P Network - enables users to connect to each other's hard disks and exchange files directly, and                                         sometimes called a file sharing networks.
6.) Various Network Communications Standards:
        1. Ethernet - is a technology that allows computers to contend for access to network
        2. Token ring -  is a technology that controls access to network by requiring devices to pass a special signal called Token
        3. TCP/IP -  (Transmission  Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol)  -  is a technology that transmits data by breaking it up into small pieces or packets.
        4. 802.11 - is a family of standards for Wireless LAN's
        5. Bluetooth  - is a short -range radio waves transmit data between Bluetooth devices and it contains a small chip to communicate with each other
       6. WAB - is a specification allows data to be transferred wirelessly via short-range radio waves.
       7. IrDA - specification that allows data to be transferred wirelessly via infrared light waves.
       8. RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) - users radio signals to communicate with tag placed in an object.
       9. WiMAX - is a standard that specifies how wireless devices communicate over the air in a wide area
7. Explain the purpose of communications software.
            a. Programs that help users manage transmission of data, instructions, and information
            b. Programs that help users establish connection to Internet, other network,
or another computer
            c. Programs that help users establish connection to Internet, other network,
or another computer
8. Describe various types of lines for communications over the telephone network:
  •  Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) - Worldwide telephone system that handles voice-oriented telephone calls
  • Dial-up line – is a temporary connection using telephone line for communications
ü  Costs no more than making regular call
ü  Computers at any two locations can establish a connection using modems and telephone network
  • Dedicated line - Always-on connection between two communications devices Five types are ISDN line, DSL, FTTH and FTTB, T-carrier line, and ATM
9. Describe commonly used communications devices.   
              A dial-up modem - converts digital signals to analog signals and vice versa and usually in the form of an adapter card

             ISDN and DSL modems - Communications devices that send and
receive digital ISDN and DSL signal.

             Cable modems - Sends and receives data over cable television network much faster than dial-up modem or ISDN sometimes called a broadband modem

             Wireless modems - Allows access to the Web wirelessly from a notebook computer, a PDA, a smart phone, or other mobile device Typically use the same waves used by cellular telephones
            Router - device that connects computers and transmits data to correct destination on network and internet using fastest available path some have a built-in hardware firewall.
           Hub or Switch - device that provides central point for cables in network

10. Ways to set up home networks:
          To set up a home network that is wired, you will need to have a network card in each computer, a router, and enough cables to connect them all. You will also need the documentation that came with your router. 
         Step 1 - Connect the cable from your internet modem to the port on the router labeled either uplink, or internet in most cases.
          Step 2 - Connect the first computer to anyone of the other ports.
         Step 3 - Log into your router refer to the information that came with your router. This is usually done by entering or into your address bar. Your documentation will tell you which one.
          Step 4 - Enter the username and password that is instructed by your router documentation.
         Step 5 - You should now be in the router setup. Enter all the information for internet, you will need the protocol, PPPoE in this case, the username and password from your internet service provider. Click on Save when done.

11. Physical and wireless transmission media.
           1. Twisted-pair cable - is used for telephone systems and network cabling.
           2. Coxial cable - is often used for cable television wiring.
           3. Fiber-optic cable - capable of carrying significantly more data at faster speeds than wire cables, it is less susceptible to intertference noise and therefore more secure it is also smaller, thinner and lighter in size
           4. Radio broadcast - distributes radio signals over long and short distances.
           5. Cellular radio - is a form of broadcast radio used for mobile communications

Martes, Hulyo 19, 2011


1. Differentiate between storage devices and storage media.

2. Identify the uses of tape, magnetic stripe cards, smart cards, microfilm and microfiche, and enterprise storage.

3. Describe the various types of flash memory storage: solid state drives, memory cards, USB flash drives, and Express Card modules.

4. Differentiate among various types of optical discs: CDs, archive discs and Picture CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray Discs.

5. Summarize the characteristics of ink-jet printers, photo printers, laser printers, multifunction peripherals, thermal printers, mobile printers, label and postage printers, and plotters and large-format printers


1. Storage device refers to the apparatus for recording computer data. Examples are the RAM, floppy drives, ZIP drives, and other disks drives.While, storage media are the materials on which data are written and stored. Examples are the floppy disks, optical discs, hard disks, etc.

2. Tape is a magnetically coated ribbon of plastic capable of storing large amount of data of information at a low cost. It is no longer used as a primary method of storage. Instead business users utilized tape most often for long term storage and backup. Magnetic Stripe cards is a credit card, entertainment card, bank card or other similar card with stripe that  contains information identifying you and the card. Information  stored in the stripe includes your name, account number and card expiration date. Smart cards which is similar in size to  a credit card or ATM card stores data on a thin microprocessor embedded in the card. Smart card contain a processor and have input process, output and storage capabilities. When you insert the smart card in a specialized card reader, the information on the smart card is read and if necessary updated. Microfilm and microfiche film store microscopic images on a roll or sheet film. Enterprise storage store huge volume of data and information for large business. Uses special hardware for heavy used, maximum availability and maximum efficiency.

3. Types of Flash memory storage:
     a.) flash memory chips are a type of solid state media contains electronic components and contains no moving parts.
     b.) Solid state drives have several advantages over magnetic hard disk
     c.) Memory card is a memorable flash memory device that you insert and remove from the slot in a computer, mobile device, or card reader/writer
    d.) USB flash drive plug into a USB port on a computer or mobile device
    e.) Express card module is a removable device that fits in an Express card slot

4. Types of Optical Disc:
     a.) CD's previously compact discs (abbreviated as CD) were used only for recording and storing audio files. Subsequently along with audio, video and other data is also stored on them. These discs can store data for long time. The data is stored on the CDs in optical format. Backup can be stored on the CDs.
     b.) Archive disc stores photos from an online photo center, resolution is usually 7200 pixels per photo, cost are determined by the number of photos being stored.
    c.) Picture CD single session CD-Rom that stores digital version of film, typically uses a 1024x1536 resolution
   d.) DVD's   The format of storing data in the digital versatile discs (DVD) is similar to that of a compact disc. The difference lies in the storage capacity. There is six times more storage space in the DVD’s as compared to the CD’s. Like the CD’s, DVD’s are also used as backup device.
  e.) Blu-ray are abbreviated as BD, are used for high definition video storage. It is often used by gamers. Blu-ray discs are similar to the CD’s and DVD’s in their looks. It is the memory space which makes all the difference between the CD’s, DVD’s and BD’s. Blu-ray disc is an optical storage device.

5. Characteristics of Printers:

    a.) Ink-printers  is a type of computer printer that creates a digital image by propelling droplets of ink onto paper. Inkjet printers are the most commonly used type of printer and range from small inexpensive consumer models to very large professional machines.
    b.) Photo printers are printers specially created to print photos. Presently all of these are inkjet printers. They are of a smaller size and use special photo paper in the usual photo sizes like 4 X 6 etc. They allow printing without connecting through the PC by using PictBridge. They also have interfaces to connect digital camera or memory cards, and a screen to preview the photo. Some also allows rudimentary editing of the photo before printing.
    c.) Laser printers apidly produces high quality text and graphics. As with digital photocopiers and multifunction printers (MFPs), laser printers employ a xerographic printing process but differ from analog photocopiers in that the image is produced by the direct scanning of a laser beam across the printer's photoreceptor. This is the most often purchased printer today. Its high quality print output outfoxes prints from other printer types. The text and graphics are printed with quality result. The reason why there are lots of people who choose lasers despite is comparatively higher price is that it is economical. Its LED technology helps reduce the use of toner from a cartridge. It takes small particles in minimal amount to give out quality prints..
    d.) Multifunction peripherals is an office machine which incorporates the functionality of multiple devices in one, so as to have a smaller footprint in a home or small business setting (the SOHO market segment), or to provide centralized document management/distribution/production in a large-office setting. A typical MFP may act as a combination of some or all of the following devices:
    e.) Thermal printers  work by selectively heating regions of special heat-sensitive paper. Monochrome thermal printers are used in cash registers, ATMs, gasoline dispensers and some older inexpensive fax machines. Colours can be achieved with special papers and different temperatures and heating rates for different colours; these coloured sheets are not required in black-and-white output. One example is the ZINK technology. This is very common among department stores and malls. Thermal printer are convenient to be used by cashiers because it allows the calculations and giving the print out at the same time in fast manner. Fax machines also have this kind of technology. This, however, works only on papers that are heat sensitive. It operates by having the heated pins pushed against the medium.
    f.) Mobile printers
    g.) Label and postage printers
    h.) Plotters and large format printers is a vector graphics printing device which operates by moving a pen over the surface of paper. Plotters have been used in applications such as computer-aided design, though they are rarely used now and are being replaced with wide-format conventional printers, which nowadays have sufficient resolution to render high-quality vector graphics using a rasterized print engine. It is commonplace to refer to such wide-format printers as "plotters", even though such usage is technically incorrect. There are two types of plotters, flat bed and drum.This type of printer is ideal for printing larger drawings. High quality print out is made out of having the pen plotters pen move across the surface of the medium. This is the most unique printer so far invented and available in the market.

Lunes, Hulyo 18, 2011


1. Describe the four categories of output.
2. The characteristics of LCD monitors, LCD screens, plasma monitors, and HDTVs.
3. What are the components inside the systems units.
4. The components of a processor and how they complete a machine cycle.
5. Define a bit and describe how a series of bits represents data.
6. Identify the categories of application software.
7. Identify the key features of widely used business programs.
8. What are the advantages of using application software on the Web.
9. History of the Internet.
10. What are diferent storage devices.


1. Text consists of characters (letters, numbers, punctuation marks, or any other symbol requiring one byte of computer storage space) that are used to create words, sentences, and paragraphs. Graphics are digital representations of non-text information such as drawings, charts, photographs, and animation (a series of still images in rapid sequence that gives the illusion of motion). Audio is music, speech, or any other sound. Video consists of images played back at speeds to provide the appearance of full motion.

2. Uses liquid crystal display, have a small footprint,  Mobile devices that contain, LCD displays includes Notebook computer, Tablet, PC, PDA, and Smart Phone. Plasma monitor displays image by applying voltage to layer of gas. Larger screen size and higher display quality than LCD, but are more expensive

3. The System Unit - Box-like case that contains computer’s electronic components, sometimes called the chassis the components are: Processor, Memory module, Expansion card, Sound card Modem card,Video card, Network interface card, Ports and Connectors Drive bays and Power supply.

4. The components of processor are the Control unit which direct and coordinates operations in computer and Arithmetic Logic unit which performs arithmetic, comparisons and logical operations. The four operations of the CPU that comprise a machine cycle: First, Fetch - obtain program instruction or data item from memory. Second, Decode - translate instruction into command. Third, Execute - carry out command and Fourth, Store - write result to memory.

5. A Bit is a short for Binary Digits. Most computers are digital, recognize only two discrete states: ON and OFF. Use Number system with two unique digits: 0 and 1. Eight bits grouped together as a unit. Provides enough different combinations of 0s and 1s to represent 256 individual characters. There are three popular coding system to represent data the ASCII, EBCDIC and Unicode and this how a letter converted to binary from and back. Step 1, The user presses the capital letter "D" on the keyboard. Step 2, an electronic signal for the capital letter "D" is sent to the system unit. Step 3, the signal for the capital letter "D" is converted to its ASCII binary code (01000100) and is stored in memory for processing. Step 4, after processing, the binary code for the capital letter "D" is converted to an image, and displayed on the output device.

6. Four categories of application software; Business software,assist people in becoming more effective and efficient while performing their daily business activities example word processors, accounting, note taking, spreadsheet, database, presentation graphics. Multimedia and Graphics applications, sophisticated software that allows users to work with graphics and multimedia includes computer-aided design (CAD), desktop publishing, paint/image editing, video and audio editing, animation, multimedia authoring and web page authoring. Communication applications this includes E-mail, Web browser, Newsgroup/Message board, Chat room, Instant messaging and Video Conferencing and telephone calls. Home, Personal and Educational application, software designed specifically for home, personal and education use, relatively inexpensive maybe scalded down versions of business software.

7. Word processor program that provides special capabilities beyond that of a text editor such as Wordpad, screen the user from structural or printer formatting mark-up, uses typing documents and letters, simple desktop publishing, etc example Microsoft word, Corel and Word perfect. Spreadsheet program that stimulates a physical spreadsheet by capturing, displaying, and manipulating data arranged in rows and columns. Ability to portray data relationships graphically and most are multidimensional-one spreadsheet can be linked to another; a change in one spreadsheet automatically affects the others. Allows users to perform calculations on data uses includes balancing accounts, inventory, grade record keeping, etc example Lotus 1-2-3 and Microsoft Excel. Presentation graphics, program used to create sequences o text and images that tell a story or help support a speech or public presentation of information. Can be divided into business presentation software and more general multimedia authoring tools, with some products having characteristics of both example o this are Microsoft powerpoint, Lotus and Freelance Graphics. Database Management is a collection of data organized in a manner that allows access, retrieval and use of the data. Database software allows users to create, access and manage a database, able to sort, delete, edit, insert and retrieve data stored in a database also able to create reports and forms.Users run queries to retrieve data it includes storing customer information, inventory examples are Microsoft Access, Oracle, MySQL, Corel Paradox. Note taking enables users to entry typed text, handwritten comments, drawings or sketches anywhere on a page, and then save the page as part of a notebook. Can also include audio recordings, notes can be then organized, shared, reused-allows searching for specific text. Desktop/laptop users enter via keyboard or microphone, Tablets PC users enters via digital pen incorporates many features in word processing-spell check; inserting audio and video clips; changing font colours, sizes and types examples are Microsoft Office OneNote 2003.

Biyernes, Hulyo 8, 2011


Quiz 2: July 08, 2011

1. Describe various types of pen input, and identify other types of input for smart phones.
2. The purpose of various game controllers: game pads, joysticks and wheels, light guns, dance pads,
and motion-sensing game controllers.
3. Explain how resolution affects the quality of a picture captured on a
digital camera.
4. Describe the uses of voice recognition, Web cams, and video conferencing.
5. Discuss how various scanners and reading devices work: optical scanners,
optical readers, bar code readers, RFID readers, magnetic stripe card
readers, MICR readers, and data collection devices.
6. Summarize the various biometric devices: fingerprint reader, face
recognition system, hand geometry system, voice verification system,
signature verification system, and iris recognition system


2.Game controller is a device used with games or entertainment systems used to control a payable character or object, or otherwise provide input in a computer game. Game pad is a pointing device that controls the movement and actions of players or objects in games. Joystick is a vertical lever mounted on a base. Wheel is a steering-wheel-type input device.  Light gun is a peripheral used to "shoot" targets on a screen, they usually roughly resemble firearms or ray guns.Their use is normally limited to rail shooters, or shooting gallery games like those that came with the Shooting Gallery light gun. A rare example is Taito's 1992 arcade game Gun Buster, a first-person shooter that used a joystick to move and a light gun to aim. Dance pads, Motion-sensing game controllers

Ø3. Sharpness and clarity of image The higher the resolution, the better the image quality, but the more expensive the camera. . Pixel (picture element) is single point in electronic image. Greater the number of
pixels, the better the image quality.

Friendship thoughts..............

 "Even though we've changed and we're all finding our own place in the world, 
we all know that when the tears fall or the smile spreads our face, 
we'll come to each other because no matter where this crazy world takes us, 
nothing will ever change so much to the point where we're not all still friends.".......
by: Brandy Snyder

Miyerkules, Hulyo 6, 2011

"Price Tag" Manny Pacquiao Version.....

Ang pangalan ko ay Manny, Manny, Manny 
ang dami ko ng money, money, money...
tinalo ko si Mosley, ang saya-saya ni Jinkee
Ang dami ko ng  cha-ching-cha-ching
ang dami ko pang ba-bling, ba-bling
ang yaman na ni freddie, 
may  pang ballroom na si mommy...................

Martes, Hulyo 5, 2011


1. Define input and differentiate among a program, command and user response.

2.  Identify the keys and buttons commonly found on desktop computer, keyboards, and  describe how keyboards for mobile computers and devices differ from desktop computer devices.

3. Describe different mouse types and explain how to use a mouse.

4. Describe various types of touch screens and explain how a touch - sensitive pads works. 


 1.  Input is any data or instructions entered into the memory of a computer. Two types of input are data and instructions. Data is a collection of unorganized items that can include words, numbers, pictures, sounds, and video. A computer processes data into information, which is organized, meaningful, and useful. Instructions can be in the form of programs, commands, or user responses. A program is a series of instructions that tells a computer how to perform the tasks necessary to process data into information. A command is an instruction given to a computer program. A user response is an instruction you issue to the computer by responding to a question posed by a computer program. Any hardware component that allows you to enter data, programs, commands, and user responses into a computer is an input device.

2. Desktop computer keyboards usually have from 101 to 105 keys, while keyboards for smaller computers contain fewer keys. All keyboards have a typing area used to type letters of the alphabet, numbers, punctuation marks, and other basic characters. Many desktop computer keyboards also have a numeric keypad designed to make it easier to enter numbers, function keys programmed to issue commands and accomplish certain tasks, arrow keys used to move the insertion point (a symbol on the screen that indicates where the next typed character will display), and toggle keys that can be switched between two different states. A standard computer keyboard sometimes is called a QWERTY keyboard because of the layout of its typing area. An enhanced keyboard has 12 function keys along the top row, 2 ctrl keys, 2 alt keys, and a set of arrow and additional keys between the typing area and the numeric keypad. Cordless keyboards transmit data via infrared light waves. Keyboards for notebook and handheld computers usually have smaller and fewer keys than desktop computers. A portable keyboard is a full-sized keyboard you can attach to and remove from a handheld computer. Some manufacturers have designed ergonomic keyboards to reduce the chance of workplace injuries. The goal of ergonomics is to incorporate comfort, efficiency, and safety into the design of workplace items.

3.  A mechanical mouse has a rubber or metal ball on its underside. When the ball rolls in a certain direction, electronic circuits in the mouse translate the movement into signals that are sent to the computer. For better traction, you should place a mechanical mouse on a mouse pad. An optical mouse has no moving parts; instead it uses devices that emit and sense light to detect the mouse’s movement. An optical mouse can be used on nearly all surfaces, is more precise than a mechanical mouse, and does not require cleaning. A cordless mouse, or wireless mouse, is a battery powered device that transmits data using wireless technology, such as radio waves or infrared light waves. A cordless mouse uses technology very similar to that of a cordless keyboard. 
As you move a mouse across a flat surface, the movement is translated into signals that are sent to the computer, and the pointer on the screen also moves. When you move the mouse to the right, the pointer moves to the right on the screen. For Windows users, the top of a mouse has at least two buttons and sometimes also a wheel. Generally, you use a mouse to move the pointer on the screen to an object and then press a button, or click, to perform a certain action on that object. Other operations you can perform using a mouse include right-click, double-click, drag, right-drag, rotate wheel, and press wheel button.

4. A graphics tablet (or digitizing tablet, graphics pad, drawing tablet[1]) is a computer input device that allows one to hand-draw images and graphics, similar to the way one draws images with a pencil and paper. These tablets may also be used to capture data or handwritten signatures.
A graphics tablet (also called pen pad or digitizer) consists of a flat surface upon which the user may "draw" an image using an attached stylus, a pen-like drawing apparatus. The image generally does not appear on the tablet itself but, rather, is displayed on the computer monitor. Some tablets however, come as a functioning secondary computer screen that you can interact with directly using the stylus.
Some tablets are intended as a general replacement for a mouse as the primary pointing and navigation device for desktop computers.
The first electronic handwriting tablet was the Telautograph, patented by Elisha Gray in 1888 [2]. Elisha Gray is best known as a contemporaneous inventor of the telephone to Alexander Graham Bell.
The first graphics tablet resembling contemporary tablets and used for handwriting recognition by a computer was the Styalator[3] in 1957. Better known (and often mis-stated as the first digitizer tablet) is the RAND Tablet[4] also known as the Grafacon (for Graphic Converter), introduced in 1964. The RAND Tablet employed a grid of wires under the surface of the pad that encoded horizontal and vertical coordinates in a small magnetic signal. The stylus would receive the magnetic signal, which could then be decoded back as coordinate information.
Other graphics tablets a commonly known as spark or acoustic tablets, used a stylus that generated clicks with a spark plug. The clicks were then triangulated by a series of microphones to locate the pen in space[5]. The system was fairly complex and expensive, and the sensors were susceptible to interference by external noise.

Digitizers were popularized in the mid 1970s and early 1980s by the commercial success of the ID (Intelligent Digitizer) and BitPad manufactured by the Summagraphics Corp. These digitizers were used as the input device for many high-end CAD (Computer Aided Design) systems as well as bundled with PC's and PC based CAD software like AutoCAD.

Summagraphics also made an OEM version of its BitPad which was sold by Apple Computer as the Apple Graphics Tablet accessory to their Apple II. These tablets used a magnetostriction technology which used wires made of a special alloy stretched over a solid substrate to accurately locate the tip of a stylus or the center of a digitizer cursor on the surface of the tablet. This technology also allowed Proximity or "Z" axis measurement.

There are essentially two types of mobile touch screen computers. The first type is the convertible laptop which is popular among the typical computer users and the second type is the slate PC. The slate PC is geared toward a specified function making it particularly useful for professions that require what the device offers over the other type of touch screen computer. The slate PC is a much simpler tablet style PC while the convertible laptop can take the form of a standard laptop or a tablet. The versatility of a convertible laptop makes it useful for typical computing purposes with the addition of having touch recognition.

The slate PC is a single piece where the screen makes up most of one of the large surfaces. This is in contrast to the convertible laptop with looks and functions much more like a standard laptop that opens and shuts. The slate PC is essentially a tablet with no keyboard or mouse pad but the option to use those peripherals is made possible through the USB connection. Otherwise the all user interface and command inputs are communicated to the computer entirely through the touch screen.

The light weight and improved portability of the slate PC over the convertible laptop is made possible by eliminating the keyboard and touch pad. They usually offer larger screen sizes as well so that it is more effective for creating hand written notes. The larger screen minimizes the distance between the margins of the screen which slows down note taking. For people who need to carry the tablet around and take notes while on their feet this is the perfect device for that job function.

The convertible touch screen laptops offer their own advantages and it is quite obvious what they are. These devices can transform from a standard laptop into a tablet. This is made possible by the design of the hinge which holds the screen and the rest of the computer together on a swivel allowing it to rotate 180 degrees and fold back over the keyboard screen side up. This makes it more effective when writing or drawing on the screen like a traditional notepad.